Isolating Garden Beds & Gates Pet Barrier Layout

Isolating Garden Beds and Gateways

Dog Fence Wire Layout - Garden Beds & Gateways

We have spent precious time on our beautiful garden beds, we do not want our dogs to dig'em up. There is 6 Dog Fence Wire Layout that we can show you and in this article, we will be talking about a layout that you can easily add on any other layout to isolate garden beds, fish ponds, and gates.This design is great if you have a small yard... In fact, it is the best.

Using a Twisted wire design can isolate garden beds, fish ponds, and gateways

When you open up the loop you create the signal to keep the dog away...

  1. By twisting the wires you can run a twin pair around the property from garden bed to garden bed
  2. Your dog can walk across 2 touching wires (but not 3)
  3. The Garden Bed and Gate layout can be integrated with other layouts


    Make sure that the wire has a continuous loop that goes back to the transmitter. If you are burying the wire, it should be at least one to three inches below the ground so that you won't trip over the wire or get caught and cut by the lawnmower while gardening.